martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

SUME workshop in Lima, 26-27 October 2017
Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energía Renovables,
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (INTE-PUCP)

Author: Dr Marina Rosales - Federico Villarreal National University, Peru

Abstract for: 

Sustainable use is crucial. It is one of the three objectives set out in the Convention on Biological Diversity. It is defined as the use of components of biological diversity in a way and at a rate that does not lead to the long-term decline of biological diversity, thereby maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations ( Sustainable use is a cross-cutting issue to be developed in all sectors for our sustainable development.  According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO, 40% of the world's economy is based directly and indirectly on the use of biological resources. On the other hand, we need to consider sustainable use taking account of resilience-based ecosystem stewardship.

Resilience is a concept that embraces change as a prominent feature of systems, responding to and shaping change in ways that benefit society. We should address ecosystems as interrelated and providing a suite of ecosystem services, rather than a single resource, such as fish, fauna or trees. Hence, it is vital to focus on stewardship, which recognizes the management as an integral component of the system that is managed. The challenge is to anticipate change and shape it for sustainability in a manner that does not lead to loss of future options (Folke et al. 2003 in Chapin et al., 2009). Ecosystem stewardship should consider that society’s use of resources must be compatible with the capacity of ecosystems to provide services, which, in turn, is constrained by the life- support system of the planet (Chapin et al., 2009).

Therefore, risk management, sustainability, and resilience are key. Economic theory acknowledges that there is an increasing complexity of issues as there is a move from managing risk, to supporting resilience, and ultimately enabling sustainability. Resilience should be focused on short and long term adaptability, while sustainability takes a longer term ‘future generations’ stance (Saunders et al., 2015 in Chapin et al., 2009). Therefore, risk management, sustainability, and resilience are key. Furthermore, in the face of climate change we must focus on integrated use of sustainability and resilience in an environmental management context.

The sustainable use and benefit sharing are also effective tools to combat poverty, and, consequently, to achieve sustainable development. In this context, there are recommendations for applying sustainable use in the "Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity - AAPG" and the "Satoyama Initiative".  The first consists of fourteen interdependent practical principles, operational guidelines and a few instruments for their implementation that govern the uses of components of biodiversity to ensure the sustainability of such uses. The second initiative makes use of both the ecosystem approach and the AAPG for the sustainable use of biological diversity.

Taking account of these background concepts, initiatives on wildlife sustainable use in South America were reviewed, noting that many countries use a higher proportion of wild-sourced than captive bred and ranched fauna specimens. Ornamental plants are artificially propagated, vegetatively and in-vitro. Four of twelve South American countries have export quotas authorized for ornamental plants in 2017 by CITES: Colombia, from wild and captive bred, six species and 12,295 specimens; Guyana, from mainly wild, 56 species and 176,148 specimens; Peru, from wild, one species (Swietenia macrophylla) for 281,694 m3 of sawn wood; and, Surinam for 43 species and 151,916 specimens mainly wild-sourced.

The data on South America species from Bolivia includes Caiman crocodilus “spectacled caiman”, Arapaima gigas “arapaima”, Pecari tajacu “collared peccary”, Tayassu pecari “white-lipped peccary”, Swietenia macrophylla “mahogany”, Cedrela odorata “cedar” and Vicugna vicugna “vicuña”, mostly wild-sourced. However, this country also exported C. crocodilus skins and A. gigas meat until 2007, peccary’s skins until 2008 and S. macrophylla sawn wood until 2012 (Sinovas et al., 2017).  Brazil has managed orchids by artificially propagating live plants, captive breeding and ranching, also A. gigas and C. crocodilus, captive bred Chelonoides carbonarius “red-footed tortoises”, and wild-sourced mahogany. Colombia has exported C. crocodilus derived from captive breeding as skins, tails and meat, B. constrictor “boa” and Iguana iguana “green iguana” from captive breeding, Strombus gigas “queen conch” meat from wild- sources and orchids from artificial propagation. Ecuador has been exporting wild-sourced brown sea cucumber (Isostichopus fuscus) and artificially propagated live orchids. Guyana exports from the wild more than approximately 50 species including Ara arauna, A, chloropterus, Cebus appella and C. olivaceus. Peru has been exporting peccaries, parrots, cedar, mahogany and vicuna from the wild, ranched Podocnemis unifilis “yellow spotted river turtle”, captive-bred A. gigas, and artificially propagated orchids and cacti. Suriname exports wildlife mainly as 43 wild-sourced species, including macaws A. araruna, A. chloropterus, A. macao, A. severus and monkeys Saguinus midas and Saimiri sciereus. Venezuela has exported spectacled caiman from wild sources and ranched, red-footed tortoises and yellow spotted river turtle from captive breeding, and artificially propagated orchids.

It is important to note also the international trade based on sustainable use by considering historical data trade. Peru exported 1´201,524 skins of collared peccary and 405,935 skins of white lipped peccary; these skins were derived from bushmeat activities, during 1985-2011 period (Rosales, 2014). 

An annual average of approximately 770,000 skins were exported from the South America over the period 2005-2014, with the majority (87%) reported as captive-bred C. crocodilus fuscus from Colombia (Sinovas et al., 2017). Globally, mahogany was exported mainly from Brazil (410,359 m3), Peru (342,352 m3), Fiji (326,403 m3) and (211,469 m3) as sawn wood during 1995-2011. Cedar was also exported as sawn wood by Brazil (879,132 m3), Bolivia (368,405 m3) and Peru (212,607 m3) (Rosales, 2014). Since 2007, export volumes declined over the ten-year period as a result of trade controls and restrictions, including a zero export quota for mahogany set by Bolivia since 2011, following concerns over sustainability, regarding overexploitation and reduction of commercial populations.  The yellow-spotted river turtle is being managed by local communities and its population increased from around 40,000 in 2005 to over 500,000 in 2014 (Sinovas et al., 2017). The vicuña’s huge population has been managed sustainably in the wild and with enclosures by local Andean communities. Peru has the largest population (approximately 80% of the total) and been the principal exporter of fiber from live animals, exported 47,319 kg of fibre during 1995-2011 (Rosales, 2014). Eighty per cent of wool reported by weight was exported by Peru, with the remainder from Bolivia during 2005-2014 (Sinovas et al, 2017). It is central to highlight that vicuña fibre trade derives from live animals, and the populations are not harvested for this activity; Andean communities only use the wool of live animals. 

In this regard, we should highlight also the historical recorded data on international trade and ask questions if this management adequately applied principles of sustainable management and use. Furthermore, has this management integrated resilience in the framework of an ecosystem approach? On the other hand, has this management contributed to the conservation these wildlife species and their habitats? And have the local communities benefited from the wildlife management and reduced their poverty index?


CBD. Regional Workshops. Latin America and Caribbean on sustainable use of biological diversity.

Chapin, III, Gary P. Kofinas, Carl Folke Editors Principles of Ecosystem Stewardship Resilience-Based Natural Resource Management in a Changing World Illustrated by Melissa C. Chapin. 2009.  Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009. DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-73033-2

Dayton Marchese, Erin Reynolds, Matthew E. Bates, Heather Morgan, Susan Spierre Clark, Igor Linkov, Resilience and sustainability: Similarities and differences in environmental management applications, In Science of The Total Environment, Volumes 613–614, 2018, Pages 1275-1283, ISSN 0048-9697,

Rosales, M. 2014. Comercio Internacional de Especies Silvestres Amenazadas y su Influencia en el Desarrollo Sostenible. Tesis para optar grado de Doctor en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible en la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. [International Trade in Endangered Species and Wild Influence on Sustainable Development. Thesis for degree of Doctor of Environment and Sustainable Development at National University Federico Villarreal. Lima. Peru.

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2004) Addis Ababa Principles and
Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (CBD Guidelines) Montreal:
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 21 p.

Sinovas, P., Price, B., King, E., Hinsley, A. and Pavitt, A. 2017. Wildlife trade in the Amazon countries: an analysis of trade in CITES listed species. Technical report prepared for the Amazon Regional Program (BMZ/DGIS/GIZ). UN Environment - World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK.

The Satoyama Initiative. A vision for sustainable Rural Societies in Harmony with Nature.